Smart cities and the internet of things is the future, and Nokia is a significant global leader in this space. This week, our executive team met with Mr. Darko Giljevic from Nokia Networks, prof. Dr. Dimitar Tashkovski, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEIT) Dean and prof. Dr. Vladimir Atanasovski, Vice-Dean for finances and...
Cooperation between the innovators from Macedonia and France
Објавено: November 9, 2018
The ambassador of the French Republic, H.E Christian Thimonier, the director of the French institute in Skopje, Emanuel Rember and the attaché for culture, Branko Chobanov, announced the cooperation with FEEIT while visiting INNOFEIT. The hosta, Prof. D-r Dimitar Tashkovski, dean, and the vice deans Prof. Dr. Vladimir Dimchev and Prof. Dr Vladimir Atanasovski (manager...
Memorandum of Understanding between FITT, SCE and INNOFEIT
Објавено: October 16, 2018
Memorandum of Understanding between @Foundation for Innovation Technology and Transfer of knowledge (FITT), @Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship gGmbH (SCE) and INNOFEIT was signed for cooperation in CEE FREIRAUM. “In front of FITT and SCE, as COO of CEE FREIRAUM I want to say that I am so happy to have SS CYRIL AND METHODIUS UNIVERSITY...
The winner of BETAPITCH competition in Skopje has been picked
Објавено: October 8, 2018
The winner of BETAPITCH competition of Macedonian startup companies is ASAP. 08.10.2018, Skopje – It is a solution for companies that have need of making critical decisions for a short time. Its name is ASAP. ASAP is a winner of the first Betapitch event in Macedonia. Last night the event was held at the Centre...
The first industrial research project in the new academic year
Објавено: October 2, 2018
We are happy to announce the first industrial research project in the new academic year. The project has officially started and will be conducted in INNOFEIT, with cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) in Skopje, and ITS ISKRATEL, Skopje, Macedonia.The project titled: “BIG DATA ANALYTICS AND FORECAST – BIG DAF”...
Intellectual Property Workshop held in INNOFEIT premises
Објавено: October 1, 2018
Intellectual Property Workshop held in INNOFEIT premises Oct 1, 2018 INNOFEIT hosted a workshop on Intellectual Property (IP) in its premises on the 27th Sep 2018. The workshop was conducted by two prominent experts in the field, Lisa Cowey and Colin Hunsley from ClearViewIP. The lectures covered topics on what IP is, how it is...
Nova Makedonija article about BETAPITCH
Објавено: September 28, 2018
First time Macedonia as a part of the global event “BETAPITCH”. The event will happen on October 6,2018 and on October 7,2018 in the Centre for Technology Transfer and Innovations (INNOFEIT) at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. You can read the full article here:оваа-година-македонија-првпат-дел-од-г/...
Betapitch in INNOFEIT
Објавено: September 5, 2018
INNOFEIT will host the BETAPITCH event in Skopje on October 6-7, 2018 more info at:
INNOFEIT presentation at Western Balkans Platform
Објавено: July 27, 2018
Prof. Vladimir Dimcev, Vice Dean for Research and International Cooperation, introduced the scope of the Centre for Technology Transfer and Innovations (INNOFEIT) at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje at the 7th Meeting of the Western Balkans Platform in Brussels, Belgium....
Cooperation agreement signed between INFORM and INNOFEIT
Објавено: July 22, 2018
21 June, 2018, Skopje. Inform DOO Skopje and the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT signed an agreement for cooperation and development of projects whose goal is to contribute to the expansion of opportunities for the students and the development of the economy in Macedonia. Having in mind the goals of expansion and...