Cooperation agreement signed between INFORM and INNOFEIT

Објавено: July 22, 2018

21 June, 2018, Skopje. Inform DOO Skopje and the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT signed an agreement for cooperation and development of projects whose goal is to contribute to the expansion of opportunities for the students and the development of the economy in Macedonia. Having in mind the goals of expansion and...

Development of a smart photovoltaic accumulation module (FV-PAM)

Објавено: July 13, 2018

The project “Development of a smart photovoltaic accumulation module (FV-PAM)” will be financed with a grant from the Fund for Innovations and Technology Development. The reward (check) was presented to professor D-r Dimitar Dimitrov, coordinator of the project, by the president of the Government, Zoran Zaev, the vice premier for economy, D-r Kocho Angjushev and...