4ACEs Workshop at BME TMIT in Budapest, Hungary

Последна измена: February 7, 2025

INNOFEIT through the 4ACEs project team helped organize and actively participated in the 4ACEs Workshop hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, on 20 – 21 of January 2025, in Budapest, Hungary. The Workshop had two days of presentations on topics ranging from Apps for detecting speech-related disorders, Brain-Computer Interfaces for speech synthesis...

VoiceKids Project kick-off meeting

Објавено: December 30, 2024
VoiceKids logo

INNOFEIT participated in the VoiceKids project kick-off meeting held online on 11 December 2024. The partners from 9 European institutions met together online to discuss the progress of the starting activities outlined in the project application, as well as the project administration. Italian network of Centres for Assistive Technology (AT) and ICT (GLIC), Italy (Lead...

4ACEs Project at Acoustics and Speech Processing Conference in Bratislava, Slovakia

Објавено: October 30, 2024

INNOFEIT through the 4ACEs project team helped organize and actively participated in this year’s Acoustics and Speech Processing Conference hosted by the Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, on 17 – 18 of October 2024, in Bratislava, Slovakia. The conference had two action-packed days with presentations and interactive demos covering topics close to the...

ФЕИТ ФабЛаб, ИНОФЕИТ и УСС-УКИМ објавуваат повик за студентска програма INNO-SAE 2022/2023

Објавено: December 14, 2022

Студентската програма Innovations in Smart Anything Everywhere – INNO-SAE продолжува и во 2022/2023 како интегрален дел од активностите на новоформираниот ФЕИТ ФабЛаб, а во ко-организација со Центарот за трансфер на технологии и иновации – ИНОФЕИТ и Универзитетското студентско собрание (УСС) при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” (УКИМ) во Скопје. Програмата е насочена кон стимулирање на иновативниот...

INNO-SAE 2022/2023

Последна измена: December 6, 2022

Студентската програма Innovations in Smart Anything Everywhere – INNO-SAE продолжува и во 2022/2023 како интегрален дел од активностите на новоформираниот ФЕИТ ФабЛаб, а во ко-организација со Центарот за трансфер на технологии и иновации – ИНОФЕИТ и Универзитетското студентско собрание (УСС) при Универзитетот “Св. Кирил и Методиј” (УКИМ) во Скопје. Програмата е насочена кон стимулирање на...


Објавено: May 31, 2021

The student program Innovations in Smart Anything Everywhere – INNO-SAE 2021 is a joint initiative of the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT and the University Students Assembly at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje to showcase the students’ innovation capacity. The idea is to stimulate students to work on innovative...

EU4TECH PoC project

Последна измена: January 19, 2021

The Proof of Concept for the Western Balkans project announces the launch of the 2021 open call for projects. The call will open on Monday, January 18, 2021 and remain open until Sunday, February 28, 2021. Starting January 18, 2021, you will be able to find all necessary information to apply on the EU4TECH PoC website....


Последна измена: December 24, 2020

The student program Innovations in Smart Anything Everywhere – INNO-SAE 2020 is a joint initiative of the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT and the University Students Assembly at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje to showcase the students’ innovation capacity. The idea is to stimulate students to work on innovative...


Последна измена: December 24, 2020

The student program Innovations in Smart Anything Everywhere – INNO-SAE 2019 is an initiative of the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT to mark the 60th anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (FEEIT) with showcase of students’ innovation capacity. The idea is to stimulate students to work on innovative ideas...