4ACEs Workshop at BME TMIT in Budapest, Hungary

INNOFEIT through the 4ACEs project team helped organize and actively participated in the 4ACEs Workshop hosted by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, on 20 – 21 of January 2025, in Budapest, Hungary.

The Workshop had two days of presentations on topics ranging from Apps for detecting speech-related disorders, Brain-Computer Interfaces for speech synthesis in neurological disorders, Design of speech databases for diagnosing neurodegenerative diseases, and Biomarkers of Mild Cognitive Impairment and Multiple Sclerosis from speech, all close to the focus of the 4ACEs project – AI-based diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Our team contributed with presentations from Robert Sabo, Milan Rusko and Marian Trnka from Institute of Informatics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Karolina Gabor-Siatkowska and Artur Janicki from Warsaw University of Technology, and Tomislav Kartalov and Branislav Gerazov from the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovations – INNOFEIT, as well as from our hosts Attila Jenei, Mohammed Salah Al-Radhi, Tibor Fegyó, Péter Mihajlik, Gábor Olaszy, Mátyás Bartalis, and Géza Németh, with a talk also from Gábor Gosztolya from the University of Szeged. The presentations can be found on the 4ACEs Workshop website.

In addition to the Workshop, the 4ACEs team held a project meeting discussing progress and administration. The team also took advantage of the Social Program, connecting within an informal setting in the heart of Budapest.

The project is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.