VoiceKids is an Erasmus+ project that aims to impact education by integrating Augmented and Alternative Communication (AAC) and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) technologies to create inclusive learning environments. The partners from 9 European institutions share an expertise on the use and development of assistive technologies that will drive the project towards reaching the set objectives.
The 4ACEs project brings together 3 leading institutions from the Visegrad 4 region with expertise in AI-based diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, and INNOFEIT with its expertise with innovation and development. The project will serve as a framework for the exchange of knowledge through on-site visits, workshops, training schools and conferences.
As part of INNOFEIT’s contract research services for industrial partners, we are proud to present 3 functional prototypes that were developed with our experts using our laboratories and facilities.
This is a joint effort with the local company Torax (http://www.torax.eu.mk/) where our experts developed a world’s first photovoltaic module with integrated LTO batteries that store generated electricity and control electronics that monitors and manages the process of generating, storing and using solar energy. The prototype is installed at our premises.

Installed FV-PAM prototype at INNOFEIT’s location
External links (in Macedonian) about the developed product:
- Official web-site for the newly developed product
- Interview with prof. Dimitar Dimitrov who was INNOFEIT’s main researcher for the project
- Facebook post from the Fund for Innovations and Technological Development about their support for the project
This is a joint effort with the local company INform (https://inform.mk/) where our experts developed a portable device (BlueCloud) capable of measuring air pollutants thus monitoring the air quality. The design and the development of the device was made by INNOFEIT experts whereas INform’s experts developed a cloud back-end for data storage and analysis. As a result, the integrated solution is now commercialized as PureCloud. Moreover, INNOFEIT is in the process of developing a calibration laboratory for certifying the monitoring devices.

The developed BlueCloud monitor used in the PureCloud platform
External links about the developed product:
- Official web-site of the integrated platform
- Commercial text on local portal
- Post from the Fund for Innovations and Technological Development about their support for the project
This is a joint effort with the local company Pakomak (https://www.pakomak.com.mk/) where our experts work on upgrading an off-the-shelf vending machine with control electronics to detect and classify specific package waste. This information is afterwards fed into an incentive-based system called ecoMac that can be used by markets to stimulate package waste recycling.

The developed Android application of the ecoMac system
External links about the developed product:
- The unofficial web-site of the product – work in progress
- Commercial text on local portal
Apart from these functional prototypes, our experts also work on 2 additional contracted research for industrial partners.
- System for automatic media transcription (SAM-TAM) – joint effort with local company Analitika.
- Image Analysis Software – joint effort with Alfa-Zet Systems Belgium.
INNOFEIT’s efforts to boost the cooperation and contract research between academia and industry are significantly strengthened in 2021 by receiving 6 innovation vouchers from the Fund for Innovations and Technological Development. This is the highest number by a single stakeholder (sharing the top with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) in the country.
The innovation vouchers to be executed in 2021 are:
- Development of an innovative solution for B2B digital commerce – cooperation with Zonel Software Skopje
- Development of telemetric agrometeorological monitoring station – cooperation with Horti Design Skopje
- Development of speech synthesizer optimized for embedded systems – cooperation with Gordian Systems Skopje
- Development of a system for monitoring capacity and location of IGLO containers for glass package recycling – cooperation with Pakomak Skopje
- OBD cloud platform in real-time – cooperation with Banzae Skopje
- Improving the process of prophylactic analysis of electrical equipment – cooperation with ITIS Skopje
INNOFEIT is supporting the ongoing EU4TECH PoC project that aims to provide technical assistance to university Proof-of-Concept solutions towards possible prototyping and commercialization. INNOFEIT offers its expertise in terms of local mentorship and access to labs and premises for all selected PoCs. Our team helped 2 university PoCs in 2020 to reach an investment-readiness state and we have room for 5 more in 2021. More details can be found at: https://eu4tech.eu/